
LouAnn was one of the recipients of a hot Thanksgiving meal and a special holiday food box at Rio Vista Center’s Turkey Day several years ago. She struggled with her health since a back surgery that she had in 2019. She was wheelchair-bound and unable to work.

She continued to come to Rio Vista Center for free food boxes. As soon as she was physically able to help, she began to volunteer every week. Using a walker for mobility, she would help with tasks such as sorting veggies and getting food boxes ready for the next day. LouAnn’s passion to serve was unrelenting. She had a heart to give back because she felt blessed by the help she received. LouAnn continued to serve and get to know the other volunteers. They invited her to church and she began to attend the Bridge Church at Rio Vista. She quickly began to feel at home and learn more about Christ and was baptized in September 2019.

In 2022, she became a lead volunteer in clothing distribution. LouAnn is currently a vital member of the church and continues to be a faithful servant at Rio Vista, volunteering daily. She has had a few more surgeries but is doing very well. “I love helping other people!” she said. “Serving at Rio is a blessing to ME! The people at Rio and the Bridge helped me and now I am able to give back to the community.” We are grateful for how God has used Turkey Day to meet LouAnn’s needs and draw her to Himself.

Rio Vista Center is an Arizona Baptist Children’s Services & Family Ministries (ABCS) community resource center. To read more impact stories and ministry updates like this one, check out ABCS’ 2022 Annual Report.